How It Works
It’s up to you whether you want to work closely with us on your project – or if you want a complete, done-for-you video.
Here’s what it takes:
Decide on the length and style of your video
If your goal is to introduce your company, or welcome people to your website, you want a video that’s 1-5 minutes.
But if you want to make your entire sales pitch, or explain a complicated idea, you’re after a 6-15 minute video.
And in many markets, 20-30 minute video sales letters have the highest conversions.
You also need to decide whether your target market will respond better to the “homespun” approach, or the “sleek and smooth” approach.
We can use the script you already have, or our copywriters can write one for you.
We’ll use our marketing expertise to grab your prospects’ attention and reel them in.
Once the script is finalized, we’ll use it to create the images in your video. We also use it to estimate the video length. We use the industry standard of measuring 150 words as 1 minute.
Next, it’s time to decide the type of voice your video needs.
You might pick a voice that sounds like your prospect. Or, you could pick a voice that sounds like an authority in your niche. Sometimes, the best voice is one that reflects who your prospect wants to be.
If you know someone with the perfect voice for you video, send us the audio.
We can also send you samples from our network of voice actors so you can select the perfect voice!
At the same time we’re working on the voice, our artists start on the storyboards – images that show what you’ll see in the final video.
That way, you can approve the artwork before we dive in to the recording process.
Your Video
Once all the pieces are ready, we form them into your final video. You’ll see the outcome of your script, voice, and storyboards – all combined to help you grow your business.